start under våren 2025
Nya kurser öppna för anmälan
This course aims to help participants with a deep understanding of battery circularity within the context of circular business models. Participants will gain the knowledge and skills necessary to design and implement circular business models and strategies in the battery and electric vehicle industry, considering both individual company specific and ecosystem-wide perspectives. Participants will gain the ability to navigate the complexities of transitioning towards circularity and green transition in the industry.
The course includes a project work to develop a digitally enabled circular business model based on real-world problems.
Start 25 mars 2025
Omfattning 80 timmar
Plats Online, ortsoberoende
Mälardalens universitet
This is a course for you who want to actively participate in the industrial and societal change towards sustainability. The course aims to develop your reflective competence, make you aware of the learning that exists in your experiences, and master your further personal development as a transformative agent and leader.
Start 1 april 2025
Omfattning 80 timmar
Plats Online, ortsoberoende
Mälardalens universitet
Virtual commissioning (VC) is a technique used in the field of automation and control engineering to simulate and test a system’s control software and hardware in a virtual environment before it is physically implemented. The aim is to identify and correct any issues or errors in the system before deployment, reducing the risk of downtime, safety hazards, and costly rework.
Start 31 mars 2025
Omfattning 3 hp
Plats Online, ortsoberoende
Mälardalens universitet
This course offers an introduction of renewable hydrogen as a pivotal component for industrial applications, focusing on its generation, storage, transport, and utilization within industrial contexts. Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of the technical, economic, and environmental aspects of renewable hydrogen technologies, such as electrolysis, fuel cell, and hydrogen storage and distribution solutions, preparing them with essential knowledge and foundational insights for advancing the decarbonization of industrial processes through the adoption of hydrogen-based energy solutions.
Start 17 mars 2025
Omfattning 80 timmar
Plats Online, ortsoberoende
Mälardalens universitet
Product development that efficiently contribute to reduction of material use and waste is key to successful transition towards sustainability. The aim of the course is to give the student a deeper understanding of product development for circular flows. Through this course, you will explore the critical relationship between sustainable practices and product development strategies, preparing you to contribute meaningfully to the circular economy and sustainable development initiatives.
Start 3 mars 2025
Omfattning 40h – varav 34h självstudier
Studietakt 7h/vecka fördelat över 6 veckor
Plats Online, ortsoberoende
Luleå tekniska universitet
Production development that efficiently contribute to reduction of material use and waste are key to successful transition towards sustainability. The aim of the course is to give the student a deeper understanding of production development for circular flows. Through this course, you will explore the critical relationship between sustainable practices and production development strategies, preparing you to contribute meaningfully to the circular economy and sustainable development initiatives
Start 28 april 2025
Omfattning 40h – varav 34h självstudier
Studietakt 7h/vecka fördelat över 6 veckor
Plats Online, ortsoberoende
Luleå tekniska universitet
Industri och universitet
i samverkan

Tillsammans med 20 industriföretag samproducerar Luleå tekniska universitet, Mälardalens universitet och Örebro universitet kurser för att stödja industrins klimatomställning. Det femåriga projektet finansieras av KK-stiftelsen. Syftet är att stärka samarbetet mellan universitet och industri genom att förbättra tillgången till behovsanpassad utbildning.

Bjarne Bergquist, Projektledare för Reedeam
T: +46 920-49 21 37